New Dawn Restoration Center is patterned after the first church at Jerusalem as recorded in Acts 2:42-47, which includes: corporate worship, ministry, fellowship, edifying the body, and evangelism by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Worship – The Bible commands us to love the Lord, our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Our worship services are designed for person to enter into the presence of God and freely express their love and adoration. We encourage all believers to worship God in spirit and in truth. We worship God in various ways to include praying, lifting our hands, dancing, singing, shouting, and responding to the anointed Word of God as delivered through His chosen vessel.
Listed below are some things you might hear, see, and experience:
The Anointing – This is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the collective atmosphere, as well as in the life of an individual. This empowerment of the Holy Spirit accomplishes feats, contacts God in worship and sets free the captives from bondage.
Anointing with Oil - Is a symbolic act of healing.
Prayer – A direct form of communication with God.
Lifting of Hands – A symbol of praise and adoration, surrender and receptivity to welcome the Holy Spirit.
Holy Dance – A joyful expression of spontaneous praise.
Liturgical Dance – a joyful expression of choreographed praise.
Slain in the Spirit – a state of being overcome in joy or ecstasy; or a time of active deliverance from spiritual bondage, resulting in persons falling on the floor during worship.
Speaking in Tongues – an outward expression of the gift of the Holy Spirit when the believer is in communion with God, praying or praising.
Laying on of Hands – The act of healing and deliverance, or anointing for ministry.
Music – the instruments are used to praise God. The voice is an instrument too and we praise God with it.
Ministry – God has gifted every believer and placed him/her in the Body of Christ as He desires. It is vitally important for the good of the ministry and the growth of the member that each one understands and employs his/her gifts. As stewards of the gift(s) of God we are mandated to use them for the up building of His Kingdom.
Fellowship - Individually we are ordinary people. However, when we come together on one accord, with our varying personalities, backgrounds, expertise, hurts, and pains combined with our spiritual gifts, a force that compels and propels us to victory is created. It is often in our laughing, crying, eating, and playing together that we obtain strength for the journey.
Edification - We are called to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; additionally we are called to bear one another’s burdens, and comfort one another.
Evangelism- our primary mission is to win souls for Christ Jesus, to share our faith with those living in darkness. Our life experiences whether pleasant or unpleasant, self-inflicted or God ordained is to be shared with others, compelling them to receive Christ as their Savior, thus receiving the gift of eternal life with our Heavenly Father.